George & 2 Oldest Daughters

George & 2 Oldest Daughters
George, Oldest Daughter, and Me, 2nd Daughter 1968.

Caroline and Oldest Daughter

Caroline and Oldest Daughter
Caroline and Oldest Daughter in Photo Booth 1964

Boy George

Boy George
George and younger sister in 1940's

George and his Oldest Daughter

George and his Oldest Daughter
George and His Oldest Daughter 1964 in Photo Booth

Sunday, October 28, 2012


This evening, there was a 7.7 earthquake off of the Charlotte Islands in British Columbia, Canada.  There is a Tsunami warning in effect right now for Alaska, the West Coast of Canada, and Washington, Oregon and California states.  Do you know what to do in a natural disaster? Are you prepared?

1 Gallon of water per day, per person
Plastic Bags

Get to high ground! Do not go down to any beach, flat land or waterway until the "all clear" is signaled.

This link is for NOAA and the information on the web page provides descriptions of what Tsunami are, and offers other valuable information as well. There is also a link to a food storage kit and water purification if you wish to learn more about options of emergency preparedness.
