George & 2 Oldest Daughters

George & 2 Oldest Daughters
George, Oldest Daughter, and Me, 2nd Daughter 1968.

Caroline and Oldest Daughter

Caroline and Oldest Daughter
Caroline and Oldest Daughter in Photo Booth 1964

Boy George

Boy George
George and younger sister in 1940's

George and his Oldest Daughter

George and his Oldest Daughter
George and His Oldest Daughter 1964 in Photo Booth

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daddy's Girl... Santa & I....obviously we go way back. So does my mistrust of bearded men :-) This was taken in 1969, when I was 1.5 years old. The white leather shoes with the oddly shaped cylinder by the shoe's tongue were daily wear for me. The bells inside the cylinder jingle-jangled with every step I took. My mother knew where to find me at all times too, just by honing in on the sound. Clever woman...

This photo always makes me smile, because I love believing in the unseen, fairy tales, folklore, and just the good in humankind. Santa is supposed to epitomize that, if the stories are true. Well, Jolly Old St. Nick has a dad. Yes, I know it gets old at times, and may sound like hero worship, however, what's a girl to do? I don't hate my dad, resent him, or anything of the sort. I actually love the guy, respect him, and would want to be his friend if we were not related. I didn't have the opportunity to choose my dad, however, I wouldn't want it any other way than fate dealt me.

George has been spending time of late on the campaign trail for a well regarded family friend. The stories are hilarious. Travelling up through the rural hills and suburban stomping grounds of both his and my childhoods. Seeing people that remember him from different points in life, both school, and professional. Reconnecting is what it is all about. Life is good, and I am truly blessed to have the life I do.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Do You Spend Your Day???

Well, yesterday, I was in a conversation on Skype (great product by the way) to the Land of Oz. We were outlining how I budgeted/managed my time. In thinking back over the last 15 years of life, and what my days have entailed, it brings to light what you could do different or better currently, to improve on past experiences. Would I have done things differently in the past? A few things, yes. Mostly, no.

I do not feel as though I have missed out on the party scene or the grand events that others partake in. I have had some wild times, enjoyed wine tastings that went beyond wine tastings to other wine bars....I have ventured out to the fireworks at various places, attended concerts for Duran Duran, Rod Stewart/The Kin, had fun at the Scottish Highland Games (Clan Frasier baby!), took my trip to Fort Worden and hiked around, haunted The Swiss and The Fenix for some dancing and great live music, and of course, mothered my young, did the school activities, worked, and am now enrolling in college.

I love the fact that I do have a home in which to spend time in, revamp the decor, and soon, start entertaining in a new kitchen. That is the plan for the summer. New windows all around, fresh exterior paint, and a new floor kitchen set up. Life is good, and it gets better every day.

So, now that I was instructed on how to better manage my time, I must dash off to be "constructive";) Over and out!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blessings Abound!

Yesterday, I found out that all the financial aid was in place for my education! What a fantastic day that was. I told both of my parents independent of each other, and dad just laughed and asked who I bribed, with pride in his voice, and mom took a deep and emotional sigh, and said "I have waited a very long time to hear this news". I graduated high school in 1986. I have waited that long to attend college/university.

I telephoned admissions about my conditions of admission, and there aren't any out of the ordinary. Normal admission. Sean, my admissions counselor stated "it is a little odd to tell an adult this, but you are so independent and headstrong, I have no doubt you will make it". Wow, I have never met the man personally, only telephonic to date. Yet, he hit on a core of my personality. It proves that no matter how you perceive you project yourself to people, your perceptions are not always correct. I thought I was this mild mannered female. Obviously not...

So, September 7th is my first day at the University. My life is turning a bend in the road, and I feel like the Old Irish Blessings are here for me:

"May the road rise up to greet you, may the sun shine bright upon your face, may the wind blow at your back...."

Forward I go, with a bright countenance, and thankful for everyone who is the wind at my back. George and Caroline....thank you for your parenting and backing, I couldn't have done it without the solid foundation you provided me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Was Like You

Here I sit, Mother's Day, 2010, which happens to fall on May 9th. That was the due date of my oldest daughter 19 years ago. We ended up, she and I, being attached for another 10 days before we delivered her screaming healthy self into the world. Last night, she had her Senior Ball, and looked GORGEOUS.

I have been reflecting yet again on life, what has happened, what is yet to come, what is here already. Sometimes, when I come across people that have yet to find their feet, I notice them looking at me sometimes assessing me. Whether it is my figure, grooming, car, personality, house, children, what I am eating, you can sometimes watch people's minds store that information in their mental databases. Just as I do about them...

I Was Like You:

I was a young single mother with barely any money, yet I found a way to make it work.

I am the daughter of a mother who has high expectations and sometimes it is overwhelming.

I am a professional wiith a family that relies on me, and the long hours of work pull you away from the very reason you put in those hours, your family.

I need to tone up and do more cardio.

I am covering my gray, and feel good about who I am, one day you will too.

I was a bright eyed Pollyanna with hope and dreams I recently found again, and 20 years later, am pursuing.

It is a mental mindset. We simply need to adjust our thinking, perceptions, expectations, learn to breathe, walk, and live all over again in certain instances. Choose what is truly important, not what we are told is important.

I am choosing happiness, love, and to put one foot in front of the other, follow my path, and do so with glee. Be Well!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm IN!!!!

I have been busy as a bee since the last post, and yesterday, received my acceptance to the Pacific Lutheran University!! Now, I am in the midst of obtaining financial aid for myself and the graduating daughter simultaneously, in addition to working full time, and parenting my other two high school students. LIFE IS GOOD!

Enjoy your day and be thankful for your blessings!