George & 2 Oldest Daughters

George & 2 Oldest Daughters
George, Oldest Daughter, and Me, 2nd Daughter 1968.

Caroline and Oldest Daughter

Caroline and Oldest Daughter
Caroline and Oldest Daughter in Photo Booth 1964

Boy George

Boy George
George and younger sister in 1940's

George and his Oldest Daughter

George and his Oldest Daughter
George and His Oldest Daughter 1964 in Photo Booth

Friday, April 23, 2010

What's In It For Me?

I have heard people of the last 3 generations say "this new generation...." and say how good they had it, and how happy they are not to be growing up "now". Well, I believe, I am becoming one of those people.

As positive as I want to be about things, and I am for the most part. I am witnessing the generation coming up with many having the attitude of "what's in it for me"? I have also seen it in many 20 and 30 somethings. What happened to being kind, charitable, and selfless just because it was/is the right thing to do/be? Must there always be a tangible benefit to be gained, or accolades to be given? The narcissistic behavior is soul sucking and demoralizing. It is to the point now that our children here are required to perform community service hours to graduate high school. When did we STOP teaching our youth to do for others without NEEDING validation or attention?

My son wanted to do his by participating in a World Vision sponsored 30 hour fast. I wouldn't sign off on it, and we went round and round. So, I will self impose fasting on my son without supervising it myself, and let him collect money for World Vision and count it as "community service"? NO. You should have seen the liability waiver they wanted signed. Why not actually serve your "community" by growing a garden and donating fresh produce to a food bank? GET INVOLVED locally, and actively. Don't passively sit and fast with a group and call it "community" service. You are basically having a slumber party at a youth center with juice and water and saying "wow....look what we did". Just start giving without expecting and move ahead.

How can we get involved? Some simple ways are:

1. Ask your neighbor if they need help. Talk to your neighbor, be a good neighbor, look out for each other.

2. Put your shopping cart away. Learn to say thank you to the people at the cashier's window instead of expecting the royal treatment.

3. Pick up trash lying around and recycle it or dispose of it.

4. Buy local and fresh. Support your local businesses.

Are these charitable acts? No, not all of them. However, they start the mental mind set of an attitude of gratitude, and open communications with others that lead to knowledge of ways you can help, or make someone smile even. It is a beginning. Let your light shine!

What's in it for me? Who cares? I can go to bed with a clean conscience and look at myself in the mirror without regret.


  1. This is exactly how I feel about things. My father always reminded me of what his parents taught him. That "children are to be seen not heard" which is a sign of showing respect. Now days children don't show any respect in regards to anyone or anything and it drives me NUTS. I try to teach my only son at 4yrs old to let ladies go first and always open the doors for them. All of my friends (whose children call me and my husband by our first names) find it so cute and amusing that my children are made to refer to all adults as either Mr. or Mrs./Miss. I want my children to be grateful for what they DO have and not constantly complain about what they DON'T have. I think your charitable ideas are great!!! I've taken my 7 and 11 y/o to food drives and homeless shelters to hand out food/meals and they thoroughly enjoy it. Every child needs feel the pride and satisfaction of helping others. Keep doing what your doing. Hopefully, more parents out there will start thinking like you and I so the world can become a better place one family at a time. :)

  2. My children are young adults, and still call their elders with the proper titles unless told otherwise. I believe that when our educators stopped dressing differently than the students and we went casual in the classroom, it was a huge mistake.
