George & 2 Oldest Daughters

George & 2 Oldest Daughters
George, Oldest Daughter, and Me, 2nd Daughter 1968.

Caroline and Oldest Daughter

Caroline and Oldest Daughter
Caroline and Oldest Daughter in Photo Booth 1964

Boy George

Boy George
George and younger sister in 1940's

George and his Oldest Daughter

George and his Oldest Daughter
George and His Oldest Daughter 1964 in Photo Booth

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Do You Ever Get the Feeling...?

Do you ever get the feeling that you are spinning your wheels trying to make something happen that you KNOW should happen, or WANT to happen, but it just doesn't? It is akin to beating your head against a brick wall. The exasperating thing is that no matter how many bruises or concussions you sustain trying to ram the situation to the outcome YOU desire...if the timing is off, it doesn't happen. SO, what do you do?

You WAIT. You move on and to the next situation. I am learning, in my wiser years, to live and let live. Pushing may get some results, but mainly ulcers, headaches, and disappointment. My dad is the perfect teacher of this concept. He is also my Jiminy Crickett...."why do you keep doing the same thing...."? Yes, I know, work SMART. It doesn't mean give up, it means to plan and not react. Follow through and read the signals.

Lesson learned...forward I go. Onward and upward!

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