Okay...so Santa & I....obviously we go way back. So does my mistrust of bearded men :-) This was taken in 1969, when I was 1.5 years old. The white leather shoes with the oddly shaped cylinder by the shoe's tongue were daily wear for me. The bells inside the cylinder jingle-jangled with every step I took. My mother knew where to find me at all times too, just by honing in on the sound. Clever woman...
This photo always makes me smile, because I love believing in the unseen, fairy tales, folklore, and just the good in humankind. Santa is supposed to epitomize that, if the stories are true. Well, Jolly Old St. Nick has a competitor....my dad. Yes, I know it gets old at times, and may sound like hero worship, however, what's a girl to do? I don't hate my dad, resent him, or anything of the sort. I actually love the guy, respect him, and would want to be his friend if we were not related. I didn't have the opportunity to choose my dad, however, I wouldn't want it any other way than fate dealt me.
George has been spending time of late on the campaign trail for a well regarded family friend. The stories are hilarious. Travelling up through the rural hills and suburban stomping grounds of both his and my childhoods. Seeing people that remember him from different points in life, both school, and professional. Reconnecting is what it is all about. Life is good, and I am truly blessed to have the life I do.